PAK Deposit
The PAK deposit was discovered by the Ontario Geological Society in the late 1990s and was first drilled by Frontier Lithium in 2013. The deposit hosts a rare technical/ceramic grade spodumene with low inherent iron (below 0.1% Fe2O3) and is the largest technical grade deposit in North America known to management.
Mineral Reserve
Probable: 4.0MT averaging 1.79% Li2O with a 0.65% Li2O cut-off grade.
Mineral Resource
Measured and Indicated: 6.7MT averaging 2.02% Li2O with a 0.64% Li2O cut-off grade
Inferred: 2.7MT averaging 2.29% Li2O with a 0.75% Li2O cut-off grade.
9,762m drilled in 53 Diamond Drill Holes.
244m in 31 Channels
500m strike length 300m deep estimated true width varying from 10 to 125m with a sub-vertical orientation (estimated average of 45m)
Remains open down plunge to the east at depth.
PAK is qualified by glass/ceramics market with a direct ship ore sample. This qualification is harder to meet than battery chemicals feedstock spodumene concentrates.
Spark Deposit
The Spark deposit was discovered in 2018, 2.3km North-West of the PAK deposit and was awarded the "2019 Discovery of the Year". First drilled by Frontier Lithium in 2019, the deposit is substantially larger in volume than PAK and contains comparable mineral grades and composition.
Mineral Reserve:
Probable: 18.0 MT averaging 1.50% Li2O with a 0.65% Li2O cut-off grade.
Mineral Resource
Indicated: 18.8 MT averaging 1.52% Li2O with a 0.65% Li2O cut-off grade.
Inferred: 29.7 MT averaging 1.34% Li2O with a 0.65% Li2O cut-off grade.
At surface at least 2 times larger than the PAK pegmatite, widths greater than 100m, strike length of more than 500m, and over 400m in depth.
Open along strike to the west and at depth.
22,832m drilled in 74 DDH.
363m in 15 Channels.

Since 2013 Frontier Lithium has delineated two premium spodumene bearing lithium deposits on the property, located 2.3 km apart. Recently, Frontier Lithium confirmed the presence of spodumene with the Bolt pegmatite, between PAK and Spark deposits and the Pennock pegmatite occurrence a further 30 km along the Project.

Bolt Pegmatite
Discovered in 2020 along the same trend and in between the Spark and PAK deposits, the Bolt pegmatite has been traced on surface intermittently over 600m. Similar to PAK, it has intruded concordant with the main trend of the host rock and was first drilled in 2023.
Awaiting a maiden resource.
The pegmatite has been traced to a depth of 220m with a horizontal width of up to 75m.
Remains open at depth.
3,805m drilled in 15 DDH.
134m cut in 8 Channels.
Pennock Pegmatite
Pennock is a historical LCT Pegmatite showing first visited by Frontier Lithium in 2018. Located 22km northwest of the Spark Deposit along the same trend, it substantiates the fertility of Ontario's Electric Avenue for high-quality LCT pegmatite hosting rare low-iron Spodumene.
1.5km long pegmatitic dyke trend.
Contains a 30m x 16m outcrop "blow out" with similar grades and textures to the high grade PAK deposit.
Four channels have been cut, totaling 26.5m with an average of 1.3% Li2O.