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Environment, Social & Governance

Frontier Lithium understands that every interaction and every decision we make has an impact on the environment, on communities and, in the future, on our customers. Our legacy, beyond profitability, will be determined by the positive impacts we have now and for future generations.


As a company we understand that the products we will produce, will contribute to the low carbon transition. While this is positive, we must develop our business in a sustainable manner that meets or exceeds environmental regulation, and we must seek practical solutions to minimize our environmental impacts while ensuring we are able to produce a consistent, high quality lithium product. 


As a company, we recognize the importance of developing and maintaining strong relationships with employees, contractors, the public, and importantly, the Indigenous communities on whose traditional lands we work. We aim to ensure that their interests are understood and appropriately considered in all our decision-making.

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Frontier Lithium takes pride in operating our business with the highest ethical standards, conducting our activities with honesty, integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We ensure every employee follows our established business ethics and policies to ensure we act ethically and responsibly. Frontier Lithium continues to evolve our policies to reflect environmental, social and human rights considerations in our business decisions providing safe, healthy, and productive working environments for our employees.


As a publicly listed company on the Toronto Stock Exchanges, Frontier Lithium is subject to a variety of regulations. The board has adopted corporate governance guidelines to ensure that our practices comply with governance rules and legislation in Canada. Our policies apply to all directors, officers and employees of Frontier Lithium and it addresses, among other things, topics such as conflicts of interest, confidentiality, disclosure and compliance.

Indigenous Principles

Frontier Lithium recognizes the importance of developing and maintaining strong relationships with Indigenous peoples advanced through shared values of honesty, respect and open communication. To support those relationships, the following principles will guide our work: 

  • We recognize that Indigenous peoples were the original inhabitants of the land that became Canada. 

  • We recognize the special relationship between Indigenous people and the land that has formed over millenia and we seek to learn and incorporate traditional knowledge into our decisions. 

  • We are committed to sustainability and recognize the need to preserve the environment for use by future generations. 

  • We respect that each community has its own distinctive culture, traditions, values and aspirations. 

  • We actively seek to structure our projects in ways that provide social, cultural and economic benefits consistent with the aspirations of those communities with which we partner. 

  • We engage in timely, respectful and meaningful consultation with the goal of achieving free, prior and informed consent on new projects. 

Indigenous Principles
Empty Classroom

Frontier Lithium's

Education Bursary

Recognizing the next generation of leaders. 


Our Education Bursary aims to recognize the importance of education and support the communities of North Spirit First Nation, Deer Lake First Nation, Sandy Lake First Nation, Keewaywin First Nation, Pikangikum First Nation, Poplar Hill First Nation, and McDowell Lake First Nation.

Frontier Lithium will award seven scholarships annually, each valued at $5,000, to seven deserving students pursuing post-secondary education. One student from each community will be selected each year.

Application Deadline: August 1st, November 1st, February 1st

For more information and to apply for Frontier Lithium's Education Bursary, check out the link below.

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